Your Questions - The Complete DFM Tool


Why does The Complete DFM Tool put more focus on maintenance?

Some tools need extra peace-of-mind. Extra insurance.

“ A crash on this tool will be expensive and will require 4 weeks to fix”

If this is your situation. Ask the following question.

Do you need to add cameras to the process?

Some delicate and expensive tooling operations require CCD camera technology. An extra level of monitoring.

  • Did the part eject properly?

  • Any debris present?

  • Is the internal slide back in the correct position?

  • Did the 0.5mm ejector pin break again?

Is the robot and other external equipment governed with safety features?

Think about adding safety features to . . .

  • Monitor the robot process

  • Protect the robot

  • Protect operator


How will this new DFM approach improve schedules?

In many ways.

It makes the technical communication cleaner and easier.

Many extra features avoid the constant “ . . . and what about XYZ” . . . conversations.

The extra tooling detail helps the Tooling Engineer get to the best scenario quicker.

The Complete DFM Tool engages and balances inputs from cross-functional teams.
The approval process is clear, quick and easy.

The Tool keeps progress moving forward. Less scrapping and redirection.

Communication improvements mean that internal teams and vendor teams are better informed.

I estimate that this tool will save you weeks per Build.


How will vendor activity be improved by The Complete DFM Tool?

The vendor should not be starting a tool and process design without some guidance from the customer.

This is the Tooling Engineers job.

The new DFM tool has unique sections to encourage the vendor to add more detail.

More detail means more thought and more quality.


How will The Complete DFM Tool improve communication?

‘The Complete DFM Tool’ makes it easy to see and assess the status if you are a Tooling Engineer or a PD Engineer.

There are several locations in the document where you can gauge progress.

You can see the parts of the process that are almost complete and the parts that need more work.

Issues and concerns are easy to notice in each section by using comments, the traffic light system and by reading the highlighted concern notes.

Communication just flows.

Approvals become easy, clear and accurate.


What do vendors get wrong most often in the DFM process?

Sometimes a vendor will decide to go in a different direction to the vision of the Product Designer and the Tooling Engineer.

This is often more an issue of not briefing the vendor in advance.
If this happens, then the Tooling Engineer has not done their job.

Vendors can be shy adding inserted areas into the tool design.
Inserts allow for extra tuning, maintenance, venting and extra cooling.

Some vendors spend too long on the first rev of the DFM. This takes a lot of work.
It's better to do a simple DFM for rev 1 and refine after getting extra direction and input from the customer.


Do all DFM tools do basically the same job?

Current DFM tools have similar features and operate in a common way.

They are out-of-date in relation to ease of use, communication and review.

The Complete DFM Tool makes communication easier and more effective. It helps the vendor improve their design and design decisions.

It goes deeper into the technical detail of tooling and process.

The Tooling Engineer still has work to do with this DFM tool.
It’s a technical document and the Tooling Engineer is key to the process.

The payback is huge.
Detail pays.


Surface Finish - Risk Assessment


Tool Safety - Think About It